Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Room Fuller
Welcome Bot 
12 Hang Bots
For Room

Flood IDs Checker
Working IDs Collecter
Checker And Changer In The Same
For Different Ids For Flood Rooms
You Can Check Your Ids
Or You Can Use The 2 At The Same Time

Use And try :) And Let Your Comment
Be member In This Plog To Can Write A Comment For Me  :)

codder Checker And Changer In The Same Software
Attacker v.2
Fastest Room Flood 
Room Pvt & Dc 2 Target In Room
here is attack v2 (Enter left) flooder+pv
You can flood with any number of ids, 999999999999999 ids will also do if u have so many ids

 4 message box for flooding text.

 4 message box for pvt target

well these is the best and unique thing, just scroll to the most appropriate style of flooding that you want. Check out all 7-9 styles of flooding (lol i forgot the number of flood styles i put there
pv8 target ids as the name suggests, its for pv8 flood to user id.

Guys please comment about these Attacker v.2 coz it inspires me to make such tools better.

Well last thing about its speed, its speed totally depends on your net speed.

Attacker v.1
Room Pvt + Dc 2 Target
                                       Attacker V1 is a private flooder to flood room target ids.
1.) Very very fast flood to your enemy
2.) Flood will dc the user
How to use it ? :-
*. Fill the text boxex as shown in the black snap
*. Now tick start and it will take some time to connect the id and when it it loaded 100% than bang your enemy by making a tick to activate/diactivate start box
*. Dont forget to put enemy’s id and your flood message
Dont remain online from the id you are using to flood from any client wether it is nimbuzz,bombus or any pc client. It is necessary that id remains online ONLY from Attacker v1